Getting Started/About Us FAQ

Who We Are.

Digital Test Tools is a partnership of 4 individuals who have worked together and seperately for the last few decades (OK, since the 70's) in various segments of the entertainment technologies field – but all beginning in music recording, mixing and the automation that made modern consoles what they are today.

Charles Flynn, also known as C J Flynn, migrated through various segments of the industry as analog converted to digital. Thus, music recording, then mixing (film console and recording console automation), video post and broadcast components, and then, after moving to the EU in 2001, began installing/training/repairing/marketting in the digital cinema world.

Sid Price also began in the 70's, and being one of the first to develop in the new microprocessor world also became one of the first to implement large mix console automation. Automation has continued to be a specialty (in addition to sailing and bird training) and has carried beyond consoles to large-scale broadcast automation projects for the world's largest networks and population centers.

Adrian Nastase entered the recording and mixdown segment of the business in 1990, having  from the technology world of Eastern Europe where one grows up learning to repair equipment that tests the equipment that can't be passed through the borders so easily. An analog specialist who also is skilled in automation and the high-end testing field.

Frank Wire specialites in produciton coordination and corraling cats entertainment technology engineers during and after the design stage is also developed from decades of experience of working with the worst best of them.

Could this also be an EU Site Cookies Warning?

Yes. This is where we get to tell you that we may have cookies turned on. Isn't that exciting? We don't think that we do, we don't want to, but sometimes there will be a web software revision that turns them on again. 

Somehow Cookies Can Affect Privacy

No one on this site has studied them, and if we see a file we turn it off or htrow it away.

So, Forgive Us

Thanks! Enjoy your stay.

The Compliance Community

When we write Compliance Community, we mean the Post-Installation Compliance Community.

There are many groups to be involved with. Here are a few and their Links:





People with all kinds of skills, of all skill levels and from around the world are welcome to join in. Whether you are a _________, _________, _________, developer, site administrator, designer, end user or fan, there are ways for you to participate and contribute.

Using The DXG

Load Digital eXperience Guardian Software on your Windows computer.

Load DXG Finder Software on your Windows computer.

Load the DXG DCPs into the server.

Create a Playlist named DXG_Tests with the sequence that is defined on the latest online DXG DCP Instructions.

Connect your DXG units and your computer to the same network via a router or switch. Use Power Over Ethernet Injectors if your router or switch does not supply PoE 24Volts.

Run the DXG Finder program; select a DXG unit from the left column, then make certain that the network data for that unit is correct (according to the plan).

Click ”Assign”.

Do the same with the other units.

Tweak the audio and picture to specification.

Run one sequence of tests with the DCP and DXG.

Mark that set of tests as the baseline.

The DCinema Compliance Project

Digital Cinema Compliance was well thought out from the beginning. Early SMPTE meetings in the late 1990's started setting up committees that later broke the project into different sections. When it became obvious that the task was in need of testing that the volunteer groups couldn't handle, the major studios stepped in with a way to accommodate that, the genesis of active DCI involvement. Eventually all of this effort has turned into dozens of SMPTE Standards and Recommended Practices.

Most of these have to do with getting equipment made and installed that meet a certain statndard.

What we are involved with is Post Installation Compliance: How to keep a cinema working in best form, in all its various guises. Here are a few:

  • An Entertainment Playback System
  • A Live Entertainment System
  • A 3D System
  • A Secure Network
  • A Usable Network

In our view, we see:

  • Work In Progress - Read no Further
  • People publishing and collaborating in their communities and around the world
  • Software that is free, secure, and high-quality
  • A community that is enjoyable and rewarding to participate in
  • People around the world using their preferred languages
  • A project that acts autonomously
  • A project that is socially responsible
  • A project dedicated to maintaining the trust of its users

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Joomla is a free and open source project, which uses the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.


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Available: Monday - Saturday, 9 AM GMT - 6 PM PST

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Digital Test Tools, LLC, Chatsworth, CA

Tel: +1 818 877 61 49, Mail: [email protected]

Digital Test Tools, c/o Internet Marine, SARL
Sophia Antipolis, France

Tel: +1 818 877 61 49, Mail: [email protected]
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