Feature Rich/Future Rich, and simple, Audio and Picture Monitoring Tool
If the original concept was to make a simple and inexpensive tool for technicians to get consistent and quality informaiton about the room, we think we have done it. There are two piece of gear, one a colorimeter that looks at a large swath of the screen and reports back the scenario, and one a set of microphones that sit in the soundfield to do much the same...but with sound.
Here are the steps to get going:
- Install audio "saucer" section 2/3rds back from screen in the auditorium, above light level
- Install colorimeter 3 meters from screen, pointing towards center of screen
- Plug in colorimeter to saucer section with RS-232/485 cable. Plug in ethernet cable to switch at projector (use PoE device if required).
- Make Playlist of Color DCPs from FTP site; Make Playlists of Audio DCPs. Add triggers to set audio level and adjust screen masking as required.
- Open DXG program. Select Sequence file that matches the DCP that you want to run.
- Hit "Arm". Hit Play to start projector.
- Click the Baseline Select button from DXG program. Choose and select baseline.
- After another run of the same material, click the Compare button. Click "Most Recent". Click the details button to see the test line-by-line.