Feature Rich/Future Rich, and simple, Audio and Picture Monitoring Tool

If the original concept was to make a simple and inexpensive tool for technicians to get consistent and quality informaiton about the room, we think we have done it. There are two piece of gear, one a colorimeter that looks at a large swath of the screen and reports back the scenario, and one a set of microphones that sit in the soundfield to do much the same...but with sound.

Here are the steps to get going:

  1. Install audio "saucer" section 2/3rds back from screen in the auditorium, above light level
  2. Install colorimeter 3 meters from screen, pointing towards center of screen
  3. Plug in colorimeter to saucer section with RS-232/485 cable. Plug in ethernet cable to switch at projector (use PoE device if required).
  4. Make Playlist of Color DCPs from FTP site; Make Playlists of Audio DCPs. Add triggers to set audio level and adjust screen masking as required.
  5. Open DXG program. Select Sequence file that matches the DCP that you want to run.
  6. Hit "Arm". Hit Play to start projector. 
  7. Click the Baseline Select button from DXG program. Choose and select baseline. 
  8. After another run of the same material, click the Compare button. Click "Most Recent". Click the details button to see the test line-by-line.

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Digital Test Tools, LLC, Chatsworth, CA

Tel: +1 818 877 61 49, Mail: [email protected]

Digital Test Tools, c/o Internet Marine, SARL
Sophia Antipolis, France

Tel: +1 818 877 61 49, Mail: [email protected]
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