Ancillary Learning

DProVe Sample Shot

We are great believers in the SMTPE DProVe system. We are great believers in getting a pair of eyes and ears into each auditorium each week and training them to observe. 

If you look at all your ushers and other employees in your facility, they are probably a pretty medium group...just like most groups. But if you offer some routine that gets them into the rooms every day looking at something like the DProVe chart, some will stand out, learning how to notice things in the room that a machine can't check.

The Checklist

  • First week: Notice the colors in the faces. 
  • Second week: Stop the DCP and count the number of black and grey squares.
  • Third week: Make a game out of it. Learn how to tell if the lens is quality enough and if it is focused properly. 

{japopup type="youtube" content="" width="640" height="380" title="SMPTE Digital Leader Demonstration"}SMPTE Digital Leader Demonstration and DProVe{/japopup}

DProVe is the Digital Projector Verifier, but it doesn't check that at all. It checks the reflection of a very detailed picture coming off your screen.  

$250 - A great deal for a well implemented idea. Go to your SMTPE Store.

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Digital Test Tools, LLC, Chatsworth, CA

Tel: +1 818 877 61 49, Mail: [email protected]

Digital Test Tools, c/o Internet Marine, SARL
Sophia Antipolis, France

Tel: +1 818 877 61 49, Mail: [email protected]

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