Getting Started/About Us FAQ
Who We Are.
Digital Test Tools is a partnership of 4 individuals who have worked together and seperately for the last few decades (OK, since the 70's) in various segments of the entertainment technologies field – but all beginning in music recording, mixing and the automation that made modern consoles what they are today.
Charles Flynn, also known as C J Flynn, migrated through various segments of the industry as analog converted to digital. Thus, music recording, then mixing (film console and recording console automation), video post and broadcast components, and then, after moving to the EU in 2001, began installing/training/repairing/marketting in the digital cinema world.
Sid Price also began in the 70's, and being one of the first to develop in the new microprocessor world also became one of the first to implement large mix console automation. Automation has continued to be a specialty (in addition to sailing and bird training) and has carried beyond consoles to large-scale broadcast automation projects for the world's largest networks and population centers.
Adrian Nastase entered the recording and mixdown segment of the business in 1990, having from the technology world of Eastern Europe where one grows up learning to repair equipment that tests the equipment that can't be passed through the borders so easily. An analog specialist who also is skilled in automation and the high-end testing field.
Frank Wire specialites in produciton coordination and corraling cats entertainment technology engineers during and after the design stage is also developed from decades of experience of working with the worst best of them.
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